JSC "Raton" is a diversified enterprise
All electrical equipment manufactured by JSC "Raton" is manufactured using the most modern equipment, which ensures high accuracy and quality of products with minimal production time.
Today "Raton" is a diversified enterprise equipped with modern equipment, which allows to ensure high quality products with minimal production time:
• coordinate-punching press with CNC "Amada" (Japan);
• CNC press brake "Amada" (Japan);
• PIRCE gas-plasma cutting complex (Slovakia);
• tools of leading world companies Gesipa, Bosch, Wetdmiller.
In 2019-2020, JSC Raton developed, tested and already shipped complete distribution and switching devices for a voltage of 35 kV.
Prototypes of electric boilers of the KOS-EE series with a capacity of 3, 6, 9.15 and 45 kW were manufactured, acceptance tests were carried out and a certificate of conformity was obtained; prefabricated one-sided maintenance chambers of the KSO/RTN-S series with a FZN vacuum load break switch were put into mass production on orders from Belenergo; a pilot sample of a pellet heating boiler with automatic combustion mode of the KOS-TVA-36 kW series was manufactured and tested.
2021 - the joint general meeting of shareholders dated May 14, 2021 of the open joint-stock company "Raton" and the open joint-stock company "Gomel plant of measuring instruments" decided to reorganize the open joint-stock company "Raton" by joining the open joint-stock company "Gomel plant of measuring instruments" to it .
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