Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
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A | B | E | G | I | K | M | P | R | S | U
Klon Ltd.
Address: St. Stroitelei, vill. Ozero, 223013
Phone: Tel. (+3751718) 609 41
Seeds. Seedlings. Saplings
#   Name Address Tel
1.  AgroSam Peasant Farm Holding 34, Velikoye Selo Tel. (+37517) 206 01 86
2.  Agrosemservis CJSC Str. Kazinets 86/3-415, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 278 30 19
3.  Agrotekhnointex SD Ltd. Str. Gastello 9A, Nesvizh Tel. (+3751770) 5 13 86
4.  BelAgriPlants Ltd. Mosty Levye Tel. (+375151) 42 70 25
5.  Belsemena RA Str. Minin 21-1, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 226 27 33
6.  Brest-Travy Ltd. settl. Muhovec Tel. (+375162) 94 74 38
7.  Enterprise Brestlnosemena Communal Unitary Str. Internatsionalnaya 38/1, Brest Tel. (+375162) 20 41 92
8.  enterprise Zhardan Private trade production unitary Str. Sikorskiy 82, c Brest Tel. (+375162) 46 84 86
9.  Garden Pomoleyko A.V. Farm Str. Kalinin 82A-4, c Lepel Mobile phone (+37529) 514 25 21
10.  Gomelsortsemovoshch OJSC Str. Barykin 155, Gomel Tel. (+375232) 41 01 65
11.  Green haven plant nursery KFKH Str. Cvetochnaya 23, c Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 46 18 22
12.  IE Samsonenko A. V. Zhabka Ornamental Plants Forest Nursery Str. Lesnichestvo 3, Lyubuzh Tel. (+37529) 699 02 50
13.  Institute of Genetics and Cytology of NAS of Belarus SSI Str. Akademicheskaya 27, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 284 18 56
14.  Klon Ltd. St. Stroitelei, vill. Ozero Tel. (+3751718) 609 41
15.  Klubnika Plants JLLC vill. Mosty Levye Tel. (+3751514) 35 6 17
16.  Minsksortsemovoshch OJSC Str. Minin 21/1, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 226 25 87
17.  Mogilevsortsemovoshch OJSC lane Tagilsky 1B, Mogilev Tel./fax (+375222) 42 06 12
18.  Plants PFE Nursery Garden of Ornamental and Forest Str. Lesnaya 8, Petrovichi Mobile phone (+37529) 646 68 90
19.  Rechnoe Cooperative Farm Bychin Mobile phone (+37529) 654 48 05
20.  Semena FPPTUE Str. Sportivnaya 16, Baranovichi Tel. (+375163) 47 78 92
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