Buy potatoes «Breeze» at a bargain price in Belarus
Buy potatoes «Breeze» at a bargain price in Belarus The plant is of medium height, an intermediate type, is halfline standing. The leaves are large, intermediate type, green. Wavy edges is weak. Corolla is a medium-sized, red-violet. Tuber is oval with eyes with medium depth. Peel is medium smooth, yellow, flesh is yellow. Weight of tuber is 97-154. Starch content is 10,0-15,8%. The kind of potato «Breeze» resistant to the pathogen of potato wart. It susceptibles to the golden potato cyst nematode. According to the originator, it is resistant to wrinkled, banded mosaic and leaf roll. Medium early high-yield table grade. The potential yield amounts up to 624 kg 624 kg of hundred, starch content is 11-14,8%. Taste qualities are good, slightly boiled soft. The tubers of the kind of potato «Breeze» are oval, large, have an attractive appearance, resistant to mechanical damage; peel is yellow; flesh is yellow. The flowers are red-purple. It has early tuberization, quickly accumulating a trade crop in the first half of the growing season. Responsive to increase the background of mineral nutrition. Suitable for cultivation on all types of soil. It characterized by prolonged physiological period of rest the tubers are well kept. This kind of potato «Breeze» is suitable for dry-cleaning (or cleaning) and packing. Potatoes «Breeze» Volume - 12,000 tons Mesh is purple FOT Supplier: SEC Dawn them. KP Orlovsky Belarus / Mogilev Region / Kirovsk Kirovsky district, vill. Myshkovichi, Orlovsky Str., 24 Phones: +3752237 70615 +3752237 70622 8044 737 74 26 Olga