Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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Dairy Company Novogrudok Gifts JSC
Exported goods/services: Skimmed milk powder and whole milk
powder, whole milk substitute,subcheese
dry whey, milk whey concentrate,
technical acid casein, semihard cheeses,
cow milk butter.
Communication languages: Russian, Belarusian
Address: Str. 1st May 59, Novogrudok, Grodno region, 231400
Phone: Tel. (+3751597) 2 37 48
Tel./fax (+3751597) 2 33 58
UNP: 591607615
Milk and dairy products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Boundary and Transport State Belorusssian Administration of State Veterinary Inspection at the State Institution Str. Rakovskaya 30, Minsk
2.  District State Institution Zhlobin Transport Veterinary Sanitary Str. Uritsky 43, Zhlobin Tel. (+375233) 46 28 22
3.  Polivetklinika JSC Str. Volgogradskaya 14, c Gomel Tel. (+375232) 40 06 15
4.  Veterinary Medical Prorhylactic Center Priroda Ltd. Str. Gavrilov 21, Brest Tel. (+375162) 47 74 91
5.  Vitebsk Transport Veterinary Sanitary District State institution Str. K. Marx 10, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212) 37 95 92
6.  Zhivpromservice CLC Str. Gagarin 105B, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212) 23 15 54

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