Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

A | B | D | E | F | G | I | K | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | Y | Z
Exported goods/services: Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with
lymphatic surface nodes, ultrasound of
the abdominal cavity organs (spleen,
pancreas, liver, gallbladder), ultra
sound of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Percutaneous diagnostic biopsy.
Laboratory researches.
Consultations of medical specialists.
Exports to: all countries
Communication languages: Russian, English
Address: Ave. Frunze 71V, Vitebsk, 210009
Phone: Tel. (+375212) 33 13 64
Tel. (+375212) 33 13 67
UNP: 390111055
Scientific organizations and establishments
Medical centres and services
Sanatoriums. Vacation homes. Prophylactic centers
Pharmaceutical products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Paid advertisement Radiovolna OJSC Str. Gorky 89, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 62-66-55
2.  Metallist Borisov plant OJSC Str. 1st Iunya 6, c Borisov Tel./fax (+375177) 76 85 54
3.  Paid advertisement Yasma Research-and-production private unitary enterprise Str. Kulman 5-312, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 290 77 46
4.  Agromashzapchast Complementary Liability Company Str. Vishnevetsky 8A, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 31 60 40
5.  AgromirProfi Ltd. lane S. Kovalevskaya 54/1,of.209а, Minsk Mobile phone (+37517) 219 79 82
6.  Amkodor-Mozha Ltd. Str. Moskovskaya 18, Krupki Tel./fax (+3751796) 2 61 38
7.  and Development Enterprise Tehnolit Unitary Private Research Str. A. Pysin 18, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 27 58 75
8.  and Units OJSC Bobruisk Factory of Tractor Details Str. Bakharov 225, Bobruisk Tel. (+375225) 46 78 15
9.  Aytis Ltd. Str. F.Skoriny 14-303, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 266 38 91
10.  Belagromash OJSC Str. Libkneht 68-1212, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 213 52 92
11.  Belama Plus SPE Ltd. Str. Naberezhnaya 1D, Baran' Тел./факс (+375216) 53 00 33
12.  Beldozamekh JLLC Str. Gorky 69, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 48 67 82
13.  Beltehavtoprom СLC Str. Sosnovaya 3, microdistrict Industrialny, Lida-14 Tel. (+375154) 61 16 16
14.  Bereza Motor Repair Plant OJSC Str. Komsomolskaya 16, Bereza Tel. (+3751643) 4 52 96
15.  BOBRUISKAGROMASH OJSC Str. Shinnaya 5, Bobruisk Tel. (+375225) 72 40 47
16.  Bobruiskselmash OJSC Str. Orlovsky 20, Bobruisk Tel./fax (+375225) 48 58 09
17.  Brestselmash OJSC Str. Poplavsky 23, Brest Tel. (+375162) 28 13 66
18.  Diky Med Private Enterprise Str. Gogol 173, Bobruisk Tel./fax (+375225) 48 88 90
19.  Dohmira-Bel Ltd. Str. Gintovt 12a/202, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 286 44 38
20.  Dormashexpo CLC Ave. Partizansky 6D-107, c Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 222 32 74
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