Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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Slutsk Meat Packing Plant OJSC
Address: Str. Tutarinov 18, Slutsk, 223610
Meat, meat foods and sausage products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Paid advertisement Pinsk Meat-Packing Plant OJSC Str. Industrialnaya 1, Pinsk Tel. (+375165) 64-38-47
2.  Mogilev Meat Processing Plant JSC Ave. Dimitrov 11, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 73 40 85
3.  Agrarian Complex Yuzhny OJSC settl. Tsagelnya Tel. (+375232) 99 42 75
4.  Agricultural Unitary Enterprise Yubileiny Agrocombine Republican town Zadneprovskoe, Zadneprovsky Tel./fax (+375216) 28 35 59
5.  Avtodar CLC Str. Novatorskaya 55a-1, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 290 11 91
6.  Belatmit Joint CJSC Str. Gvardeiskaya 2а, Bykhov Tel. (+3752231) 5 55 55
7.  Belovezhsky OJSC Str. Lenin 2, settl. Belovezhsky Tel./fax (+3751631) 9 43 29
8.  Bereza Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Sverdlov 1, Bereza Tel. (+3751643) 9 11 11
9.  Biltongfood Ltd. Str. Zarechnaya 1, vill. Korolev Stan Tel./fax (+37517) 507 73 10
10.  Bobruisk Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Marks 333, Bobruisk
11.  Borisov Meat Processing Plant №1 OJSC Str. Demin 8, Borisov Tel. (+375177) 73 27 25
12.  Brest Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Pisatelya Smirnova 4, Brest Tel. (+375162) 27 78 08
13.  Brest Traditions Production unitary enterprise highway Gomelskoe 3rd km, Tel. (+3751642) 2 90 74
14.  Glubokoe Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Moskovskaya 81, Glubokoe Tel. (+3752156) 2 60 20
15.  Gomel Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Ilyich 2, Gomel Tel./fax (+375232) 36 01 16
16.  Grodno Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Gorky 105, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 41 81 14
17.  INKO-FOOD Foreign Enterprise Ltd. Str. Dubrovskaya 58, Brest Tel. (+375162) 27 71 05
18.  Kalinkovichi Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Severnaya 8, Kalinkovichi
19.  Lida Meat Processing Plant OJSC Str. Tolstoy 16, Lida Tel. (+375154) 52 23 05
20.  Minsk Meat Processing Plant Unitary Enterprise Str. Kazinets 46, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 398 66 63
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