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Brest Carpets ships trial lot of products to USA

The Brest Carpets company has shipped a trial consignment of products to the USA, BelTA learnt from the Bellegprom Concern.

The consignment worth over $20,000 was delivered to Sacramento, California. This is aimed to study the markets of the USA and Canada that look very promising due to their high liquidity. By the way, Sacramento is home to a large Russian-speaking community. “Over 300,000 former citizens of the Soviet Union living in this Californian city know the products of the Brest carpet factory,” the concern said.

The company is determined to boost the export at least four times in 2011. Almost all the products are to be sold abroad. The carpets will be sold domestically on the leftover principle. In January-October 2010, the export grew almost threefold to $790,000 from the same period in 2009. At present Brest Carpets exports to Russia, Kazakhstan and the Baltic States.

Over the ten months, the output rose by 12.2% in comparable prices from the same period in 2009 to reach Br8.8 billion. The production of consumer goods increased by 33.3% to Br7.2 billion.

Brest Carpets is a major producer of woven carpets in Belarus. It offers all-wool, half-wool, polypropylene carpets and other products. The products are certified in compliance with STB ISO 9001-2001 standards. The company is affiliated with the Bellegprom Concern.

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