Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

B | C | D | E | F | G | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | U | V | Y
Exported goods/services: Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with
lymphatic surface nodes, ultrasound of
the abdominal cavity organs (spleen,
pancreas, liver, gallbladder), ultra
sound of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Percutaneous diagnostic biopsy.
Laboratory researches.
Consultations of medical specialists.
Exports to: all countries
Communication languages: Russian, English
Address: Ave. Frunze 71V, Vitebsk, 210009
Phone: Tel. (+375212) 33 13 64
Tel. (+375212) 33 13 67
UNP: 390111055
Scientific organizations and establishments
Medical centres and services
Sanatoriums. Vacation homes. Prophylactic centers
Pharmaceutical products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Belarusian Military and Hunting Society Domanovo Hunters' Farming OJSC village Volka Tel. (+3751645) 6 43 20
2.  Belgosohota UE Str. Parkovaja 26/А - 3, Jdanovichy Tel./fax (+37517) 511 58 84
3.  Beloe Ozero Tourist and Recovery Branch Private Unitary Enterprise Bresttourist Beloe Ozero Tel. (+375162) 93 71 22
4.  Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park SPE vill. Kamenyuki Tel. (+3751631) 5 61 69
5.  Berezinsky Biospheric Reserve State Nature Protection Establishment Str. Tsentralnaya 3, settl. Domzheritsy Tel./fax (+3752132) 2 63 42
6.  Braslav Lakes Unitary Enterprise Str. Rybhoznaya 15, Braslav Tel. (+3752153) 3 21 50
7.  Crafts and Technologies Ltd Dudutki Museum of National Ancient village Ptich Tel. (+3751713) 3 07 47
8.  Domik v Derevne Farmstead Str. Molodezhnaya 4, vill. Selets Mobile phone (+37529) 287 87 96
9.  Establishment Berezinsky Forestry State Forestry Str. Proletarskaya 96, Berezino Tel./fax (+3751715) 5 10 28
10.  Forest Telekhany Vygonovskoe Forestry Republican Unitary vill. Vygonoshchi Fax (+3751645) 6 92 10 сюда
11.  Green team TE
12.  Kali Laska Farmstead Str. Oktyabrskaya 39, Korelichi Mobile phone (+37544) 464 56 65
13.  Khmelya Farmstead Str. Minskaya 128, Ostroshitsy Mobile phone (+37529) 677 77 52
14.  Khoren Farmstead vill. Klyastitsy Tel. (+3752159) 3 43 43
15.  Khutor Farmstead Sanatorium Bug Tel. (+3751641) 3 81 98
16.  Krasniy Bor Hunting Private enterprise Str. Molodezhny 7, c Novopolotsk Tel. (+375214) 53 33 95
17.  Krolova Hata Farmstead Str. Internacionalny 33, Zaborie Tel./fax (+3752159) 3 57 10
18.  Krug Druzey Farmstead vill. Peski Mobile phone (+37529) 663 55 98
19.  Lavrinovichi Farmstead Str. Vishnevaya 20, Zelva Tel. (+3751564) 2 42 74
20.  Lebedinoe Farmstead vill. Obrub Mobile phone (+37529) 146 18 42
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