Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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Dairy Company Novogrudok Gifts JSC
Exported goods/services: Skimmed milk powder and whole milk
powder, whole milk substitute,subcheese
dry whey, milk whey concentrate,
technical acid casein, semihard cheeses,
cow milk butter.
Communication languages: Russian, Belarusian
Address: Str. 1st May 59, Novogrudok, Grodno region, 231400
Phone: Tel. (+3751597) 2 37 48
Tel./fax (+3751597) 2 33 58
UNP: 591607615
Milk and dairy products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Paid advertisement VNESHAUDIT Private auditing unitary enterprise Str. K. Libkhneht 66-813, c Minsk Tel. (+37517) 336 18 90
2.  Audiks Ltd. Audit and Consulting Service Str. Kozyrevskaya 15-804, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 226 96 22
3.  Audit and Consultations Ltd. Tel. (+37517) 396 50 28
4.  AuditBiznesKonsalt Ltd Str. Ponomarenko 35а-322, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 312 13 64
5.  Business Service Consult Ltd. Str. Korotkevicha 9-a, Minsk Tel. (+37529) 676 55 67
6.  Deloit & Tush Foreign Enterprise Str. Korol 51, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 200 03 53
7.  Ekonomaudit Ltd. Str. Kulman 21/b-23/а, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 286 72 21
8.  Sineokaya E.A. Sole Proprietorship Str. Glebka 11-409, Minsk Tel. (+37529) 777 56 02
9.  Stroypromaudit Ltd. Str. Orlovskaya 40-10, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 286 65 60
10.  Vladaudit CLC Str. Smolyachkov 9-302, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 293 79 98

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