Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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How to add the advertisement or just more information to the company’s personal profile?

Besides the information about your company you can give the description of the products you need and you make. These advertisements can be placed on the Bulletin board, and on the main or inner page of the BigBoard.

Registered companies have also an opportunity to publish press releases and news about new elaborations of the enterprise, promotion actions and capital investment projects. If you want to place the advertisement on the Market Place you should:

1. Authorize on our site (enter your login and password).

2. Open the section "Product management", press "Add product", choose the section you need (for example, products:        batten – section: Construction and repairs - Wood materials and products) and fill in the form of product description.

3. Open the section "Market Place", click "Sell", "Buy" or "Cooperate", specify section you want to place your advertisement, choose the goods for placement, if it is necessary accompany it by advertising text.

4. Added product and advertisement become accessible to all visitors of our portal. To edit data about enterprises (names, addresses, contact data) you can in section "Settings".

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