Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V
#   Name Address Tel
41.  Novaya Lubaniya OJSC village Liuban Tel./fax (+3751771) 4 57 07
42.  Novogrudok Winery OJSC Str. Mitskevich 6, Novogrudok
43.  Oazis Group JLLC Str. Begomlskaya 15, Minsk Mobile phone (+37544) 594 27 05
44.  Olivariya Beer Plant OJSC Str. Kiseleva 30, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 334 11 63
45.  Pervaya Distiliarnia Ltd. Str. Dubko 27, vill. Vertelishki Tel./fax (+375152) 99 45 94
46.  Pinsk winery plant OJSC Str. Sovetsky 2, vill. Sadovy
47.  Private Unitary Enterprise Kletsk Food Production Factory Str. Kirov 1, Kletsk Tel. (+3751793) 69 214
48.  Republican unitary enterprise Etanol Combine for Production of Health Care and Alcohol-containing Products Mozyr-11
49.  Servisbytsnab Ltd. Str. Kazinets 4-503, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 278 41 05
50.  Slaviansky Produkt Foreign Production Private Unitary Enterprise Str. Severnaya 22, Shumilino Tel./fax (+375212) 27 23 25
51.  Slonim Winery Unitary Affiliated Enterprise Str. Kommunisticheskaya 19, Slonim Tel. (+3751562) 2 11 57
52.  SODRUZHESTVO-ZHLOBIN Ltd. Str. Petrovsky 38, Zhlobin Tel. (+3752334) 2 27 48
53.  Stas International Ltd. Str. Mira 55, Gorki Tel./fax (+3752233) 5 33 98
54.  TIHINICHI OJSC ул. Октябрьская 3, д. Тихиничи Mobile phone (+37529) 181 03 15
55.  Unitary Ent Grodnopischeprom Porechie Distilling Plant OSP vill. Porechie Tel. (+3751563) 3 95 41
56.  Unitary Enterprise Bereza Combine of Complementary Industrial Plant Private Production Str. Krasnoarmeiskaya 134, Bereza Tel. (+3751643) 4 27 39
57.  Vimala CLC Str. Dobrushskaya 4, Gomel Tel./fax (+375232) 35 69 49
58.  Vitebsk Plant of Soft Drinks JLLC Str. Leningradskaya 155- 5, Vitebsk Tel./fax (+375212) 35 47 45
59.  Vkus Leta JLLC vill. Kadino Tel. (+375222) 21 92 72
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