Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

A | B | E | F | K | M | P | R | S | T | U | V
Gomeldrev OJSC
Exported goods/services: Furniture: living rooms, bedrooms,
hallways, tables, chairs, furniture for
the bathroom. Frame house construction,
flooring, plywood, baguette, lumber,
profile details, plate of MDF, laminated
floor panels.
Exports to: the countries of near and far abroad
Cooperation offer: We invite to cooperation
Communication languages: Russian, English
Address: Str. Dostoevsky 3, Gomel, 246042
Phone: Tel./fax (+375232) 25 73 21
Tel./fax (+375232) 25 73 44
Tel./fax (+375232) 25 73 63
UNP: 400021353
Saw timber
Finishing materials
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Aliyans CJSC Str. Yubileinaya 19, Lelchitsy Tel./fax (+3752356) 5 02 41
2.  Borisov Sleeper Impregnation Plant ОJSC Str. Sennaya 5, Borisov Tel./fax (+375177) 78 28 62
3.  BorLesProm Ltd. Str. Ya. Kolas 90, Stolbtsy Tel. (+3751717) 5 41 36
4.  EgArt Ltd. Str. 30 Let VLKSM 36/1, Borisov Mobile phone (+37529) 765 11 39
5.  Elitastar Ltd. Str. Timiryazev 65А-517, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 209 67 43
6.  Express Ltd.PSK Str. Novyi byt 1, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212 ) 366 443
7.  Faktortekh CLC Str. Slavinsky 8, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 51 11 01
8.  FanDOK OJSC Str. Lenin 95, Bobruysk Tel./fax (+375225) 49 10 06
9.  Kvant Industrial Complex CLC Str. Academic Pavlov 48, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212) 34 22 21
10.  Manufacture Shingarev and Co. Private Unitary Enterprise Str. Mir 43/1, settl. Privolny Tel. (+37517) 206 78 71
11.  Massiv-drev Ltd. Ivatsevichi district, vill. Podstarin Tel. (+3751645) 9-12-12
12.  Maxim Unitary Production Enterprise Str. Chapaev 40-102, Pleschenitsy Mobile phone (+37529) 654 66 68
13.  MegaStroytorg Private Unitary Enterprise Str. Kosmonavtov 57, Postavy Tel. (+3752155) 4 71 23
14.  MINWOOD Private Enterprise Main building, of. 424, Borovaya 1 Mobile phone (+37529) 125 00 87
15.  Pripyat National Park SEE ELOKH Lyaskovichi Str. Komsomolskaya 26, Lyaskovichi Tel. (+3752350) 9 84 96
16.  Production Enterprise Belvud Foreign Private Unitary Str. Kirov 78, Starye Dorogi Тел./факс (+3751792) 5 44 81
17.  Rechitsadrev OJSC Str. 10 let Oktyabrya 17/19, Rechitsa Tel. (+3752340) 2 30 42
18.  Stenles Foreign Enterprise Str. Kozubovskogo 3, Pinsk
19.  Svetlogorskkormmash Plant SZSM Republican Unitary Enterprise Str. Zelenaya 2, Sosnovy Bor Tel. (+3752342) 6 22 50
20.  Triada-K Production Trading Unitary Enterprise Str. Gorky 137a, Borisov Tel. (+375177) 76 31 85
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