Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

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D | G | H | K | M | S
Mineral Wax Plant JSC
Exported goods/services: Petroleum paraffin waxes, candle wax, conservation oils and lubricants, protective waxes, specials oils, antiadhesives, chemical reagents for drilling, model compounds for precise casting, grease lubricants, paraffin emulsion
Exports to: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, CIS, EU, Germany, all world
Head: Yasnitskiy Valeriy Vladimirovich
Communication languages:
Address: Str. Partizanskaya 2, Svisloch, Minsk region, 222823
Phone: Tel./fax (+3751713) 2 43 22 Tel./fax (+3751713) 2 43 44
UNP: 600125053
Petroleum products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Paid advertisement Spartak Paper Mill ОJSC Str. Fabrichnaya 26, Shklov Tel. (+3752239) 7 01 38
2.  Densibel Ltd. Str. V. Horuzhey 1А, r. 604, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 290 28 49
3.  GALTEYAFARM Ltd. Str. Zhurzhevskaya 11, c Vitebsk Tel./fax (+375212) 23 29 18
4.  Himmedsintez Research and Production Center Ltd. Str. Kazinca 62, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 3 000 369
5.  Kampari Ltd. Str. Babushkin 21a, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 291 91 12
6.  Medvatpharm JLtd Str. Gorkogo 91, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 43 02 68
7.  MIZ MedBelRos Ltd. Str. Inzhenernaya 12-206, Minsk

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