Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

B | C | D | G | K | M | V | Z
Mineral Wax Plant JSC
Exported goods/services: Petroleum paraffin waxes, candle wax, conservation oils and lubricants, protective waxes, specials oils, antiadhesives, chemical reagents for drilling, model compounds for precise casting, grease lubricants, paraffin emulsion
Exports to: Russia, Ukraine, Poland, CIS, EU, Germany, all world
Head: Yasnitskiy Valeriy Vladimirovich
Communication languages:
Address: Str. Partizanskaya 2, Svisloch, Minsk region, 222823
Phone: Tel./fax (+3751713) 2 43 22 Tel./fax (+3751713) 2 43 44
UNP: 600125053
Petroleum products
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Belkoopvneshtorg Belkoopsoyuza Private Unitary Enterprise ул. Бабушкина 62-215, промузел Колядичи, г. Мнск Tel./fax (+37517) 291 92 96
2.  Belreakhim OJSC Str. Kalinovsky 6-11, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 283 04 45
3.  Cherikov RaiPO Str. Dmitrieva 27, Cherikov Tel. (+3752243) 3 19 42
4.  Dobrush RAIPO Ave. Lunacharsky 35, Dobrush Tel. (+3752333) 7 70 51
5.  Gomel Central Market Private Trading Unitary Enterprise Str. Karpovich 28, Gomel Tel. (+375232) 71 37 89
6.  Grodno Regional Consumers' Association Str. 1 of May 28, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 72 30 50
7.  Korma RaiPO Str. Abaturov 37, settl. Korma Tel. (+3752337) 2 17 67
8.  Meta CLC lane Komissariatsky 29, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 25 11 23
9.  Minsk Regional Consumers' Association Str. Volodarsky 9, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 200 22 83
10.  Mogilev Regional Consumers' Association Str. Pervomayskaya 97, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 32 73 56
11.  Vitebsk Regional Consumers' Association Str. Belorusskaya 3, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212) 36 40 83
12.  Zingors Unitary Enterprise Str. Odintsov 71/2-71A, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 258 54 45

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