Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

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A | B | D | E | N | R | T
Establishment Miloshevichi State Forestry
Exported goods/services: Sawn timber, pulpwood, lumber,sawn workpieces, hunting complex service
Exports to: country near and far abroad
Head: Vyacheslav Berus
Communication languages: Russian
Address: Str. Sovetskaya 2, vill. Miloshevichi, 247847
Phone: Tel. (+3752356) 43-768
Tel.(+375-2356) 43-540
Mobile phone (+37529) 695 11 91
UNP: 490315099
Forestry and aesthetic forestry. Nature Reserves
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Aquavision Unitary Enterprise Str. Kupala 4, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 227 47 47
2.  BelTOP 7 Unitary Enterprise Ave. Nezavisimosti 164-8, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 285 92 00
3.  Dobrush Porcelain Plant CJSC Str. Lesnaya 8, Dobrush Tel. (+3752333) 7 10 07
4.  Enterprise VICTORIA Production Private Unitary Str. Meliorativnaya 16, Luninets Tel. (+3751647) 3 51 51
5.  Neman Glass Works OJSC Str. Korzyuka 8, Berezovka Tel. (+3751545) 6 11 11
6.  Republican Unitary Enterprise Borisov Crystal Glass Plant Production Str. Tolstikov 2, Borisov Tel./fax (+375177) 73 43 13
7.  TVK CJSC Str. Vaneev 48, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 211 42 59

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