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#   Name Address Tel
1.  Paid advertisement 10th Municipal Policlinic HCI Str. Suharevskaya 19, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 314 37 63
2.  11-th Municipal Clinical Hospital HCI Str. Korzhenevsky 4, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 225 87 40
3.  11th Municipal Children Polyclinic HCI Str. Nikiforov 5, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 264 44 66
4.  11th Municipal Clinical Stomatologic Polyclinic HCI Str. Nekrasov 35/2, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 296 60 66
5.  12th Municipal Child's Polyclinic HCI Str. Permskaya 50, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 228 65 06
6.  12th Municipal Clinical Stomatological Polyclinic HCI Str. Kedyshko 28, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 268 84 73
7.  12th Municipal Polyclinic HCI Str. Olshevsky 61, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 396 32 44
8.  13th Municipal Polyclinic HCI Str. Lomonosov 3, Minsk Tel./fax (+37517) 285 66 37
9.  13th Municipal Stomatological Polyclinic HCI Ave. gazety Pravda 58-2, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 272 97 98
10.  14th Central District Polyclinic of Partizansky District Minsk HCI Str. Frolikov 2, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 299 57 94
11.  14th Municipal Dentist Polyclinic HCI Ave. Rokossovsky 134-1, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 368 36 46
12.  15th Municipal Child's Polyclinic HCI Str. Golubev 27, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 271 78 07
13.  15th Municipal Polyclinic HCI Str. R. Luxemburg 112/26, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 286 18 50
14.  16th Municipal Polyclinic HCI Str. Shchedrin 83, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 288 08 89
15.  Paid advertisement 18th Municipal Polyclinic HCI Str. Plekhanov 60-2, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 248 62 48
16.  19th Municipal Children Polyclinic HCI Ave. Nezavisimosti 119, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 280 19 25
17.  1st Central District Clinical Polyclinic of Centralny District of Minsk Str. Suhaya 6, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 200 30 40
18.  1st Children Polyclinic Str. Zolotaya Gorka 17, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 293 68 95
19.  1st Minsk Poultry Plant OJSC vill. Bolshevik Tel. (+37517) 504 81 74
20.  1st Municipal Clinical Hospital HCI Ave. Nezavisimosti 64, Minsk

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