Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

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Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
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B | E | G | I | L | M | T
Mogilevkhimvolokno OJSC
Address: Mogilev-35, Mogilev Region, 212035
Phone: Tel. (+375222) 49-90-09
(+375222) 49-99-71
UNP: 700117487
Artificial and synthetic fibres
Polyester plait, PET for production, Methyl esters of fatty acids, Strapping band, Polyester fiber, Polyester nets, Fire pressure sleeve, Films, Bottle preform, Polyester filaments, PET for food purposes
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Str. Engelsa 6, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 217 12 60
2.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Brest Branch Ave. Masherova 21, Brest Tel. (+375162) 22 11 00
3.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Grodno Branch Str. Gorkogo 87a, Grodno Tel. (+375152) 41 21 30
4.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Minsk Branch Str. Zakharova 57, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 500 11 44
5.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Mogilev Branch Str. Leninskaya 12, Mogilev Tel. (+375222) 31 14 35
6.  Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Vitebsk Branch Ave. Chernyakhovskogo 19, Vitebsk Tel. (+375212) 47 22 25
7.  Extmedia Ltd. Str. Tsetkin 18-114, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 200 50 71
8.  GlobalVanbel OJSC Ave. Masherov 19, 7 floor, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 239 09 00
9.  Gomel Branch Beltelekom Republican Unitary Enterprise Ave. Lenina 1, Gomel Tel. (+375232) 74 05 50
10.  International Center of Communication Republican Unitary Enterprise Beltelekom Ave. Masherov 19, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 226 93 50
11.  Long-Distance Communication Branch Republican unitary enterprise Beltelekom Str. Sevastopolskaya 121, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 285 70 48
12.  Minsk City Telephone System (MCTS) Beltelekom Branch of Republican Unitary Enterprise Str. Kharkovskaya 1, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 252 35 98
13.  Telekommedia Ltd. Str. Revolyutsionnaya 6a, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 203 65 44

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