Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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A | B | F
Belarusian State Medical University Educational Institution
Year of foundation: 1921
Exported goods/services: Higher medical education
in the following specialties:
- General Medicine (qualification:
physician, 6 years,language of training:
Russian, English);
- Dentistry (qualification: dental
physician, 5 years, language of
training: Russian, English);
- Preventive Medicine (qualification:
physician, 6 years, language of
training: Russian);
- Pediatrics (qualification: physician,
6 years,language of training: Russian);
- Pharmacy (qualification: pharmacist,
5 years,language of training: Russian,
Preparatory courses (8-10 months):
Russian/English languages, Chemistry,
Biology, Physics.
Post-Graduate Education:
- Clinical Residency (38 specialties);
- PhD Degree Program (40 specialties);
- Master's Degree Program (30 special-s)
Exports to: CIS countries, European Union, Middle East, Asia, Africa
Communication languages: Russian/English
Address: Ave. Dzerzhinsky 83, Minsk, 220116
Phone: Fax: (+37517)360-16-10
Fax: (+37517)252-12-01
Tel. (+37517)337-16-72
Tel. (+37517) 358-41-04
Tel. (+37517)338-11-63
UNP: 100582412
Scientific organizations and establishments
Higher educational institutions
Medical centres and services
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Belarusian Railway Str. Lenina 17, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 327 56 48
2.  Amalfini Ltd. St. Solomennaya 13-47, Minsk Mobile phone (+37533) 634 45 10
3.  Belsis Ltd. Str. Voronyanskogo 7a, Minsk Tel. (+37517) 222 75 51
4.  FABEAS Ltd. Str. 3-d Schorsa 9-208, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 623 12 75

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