Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

Region: Rubric:
Name: City:
Street: Tel/Fax:
Keywords: Items on page:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | В | М | Н
#   Name Address Tel
81.  PolotskStroyService Ltd Str. Kosmonavtov 87А, 29, Polotsk Mobile phone (+37529) 173 93 41
82.  Private Unitary Ent Str. Leninskaja 42, Hotimsk Mobile phone (+37529) 342 46 77
83.  Pro-Ol-Style Ltd 49, vill. Molchany Mobile phone (+37529) 601 18 55
84.  PSMstroyTorg Ltd Str. Dzerjinskogo 58, Kobrin Mobile phone (+37533) 357 13 57
85.  Rdk-Invest Complementary Liability Comp Str. Uruchskaja 21-2, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 135 98 55
86.  Rogachev State Forestry Establishment Str. Oktyabrskaya 21, Rogachev Tel. (+3752339) 4 06 39
87.  Rusava Ltd Ave. Ленина 33, Гомель Mobile phone (+37529) 621 49 90
88.  Saponenko A.V. Individal Entrepreneur Str. Gromovoi 21, vill. Kolodichi Mobile phone (+37529) 637 71 58
89.  Sapphir-Avto Ltd village Saky. vill. con. Turlevsky Mobile phone (+37529) 691 05 76
90.  Savickiy B.N., Individal Entrepreneur Avenue Rokossovskogo 91-119, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 353 13 49
91.  Semnadtsat RUE DIN of MIA of the RB Str. 1st Zavodskaya 7, settl. Molodezhny Tel./fax (+3752239) 3 24 38
92.  Severtrade Ltd Str. Chapaeva 3-243, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 350 90 64
93.  Sharvud КVH Str. Molodejnaja 3, vill. Sidorovichi Mobile phone (+37529) 313 75 09
94.  Shmat Foreign Ent 1b, vill. Solonoe Mobile phone (+37529) 133 12 51
95.  Sibirskaya Lesnaya Imperia Individal Entrepreneur Ave. Pobediteley 127-281, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 699 06 96
96.  Sinyakin I.O. Individal Entrepreneur Str. Angarskaja 86-12, Minsk Mobile phone (+37529) 371 83 97
97.  Sivakov P.V. Individal Entrepreneur Str. Skoriny 3, Kirovsk Mobile phone (+37544) 579 64 81
98.  SlavLegProm Ltd Str. Narodnaja 7, Osypovychy Mobile phone (+37529) 193 39 77
99.  Smorgon Experimental State Forestry Establishment Str. Komsomolskaya 19, Smorgon Tel. (+3751592) 2 10 58
100.  Speh Private Unitary Ent Str. Gertcena 47, Klimovichy Mobile phone (+37533) 603 21 42
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