Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
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C | E | F | K
Centrolite Gomel Foundry JSC
Exported goods/services: Casting furnace, Park benches, Straps, Vases, Floor lamps, Manholes, Urns, Iron cast to order, Gullies
Exports to: Russia, Finland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Estonia
Communication languages: Russian, English
Address: Str. Barykin 240, Gomel, Gomel region, 246647
Phone: Tel./fax (+375232) 22 36 34
(+375232)22 32 61
(+375232)22 30 12
UNP: 400069522
Steel structures. Metal products
Casting furnace, Park benches, Straps, Vases, Floor lamps, Manholes, Urns, Iron cast to order, Gullies
#   Name Address Tel
1.  Complex Ostromechevo Agricultural Production Sq. Oktyabrskaya 2, Ostromechevo Tel. (+375162) 96 52 35
2.  enterprise Belkoopsoyuz Baranovichi Animal Farm Unitary Malakhovetsky Village Soviet, vill. Svetly Tel. (+375163) 43 35 41
3.  Enterprise Belkoopsoyuz Molodechno Animal Farm Unitary Sosnovy Bor, Molodechno Tel. (+375176) 73 01 63
4.  Enterprise Belkoopsoyuz Pinsk Animal Farm Private Unitary Str. Lynkov 2A, vill. Molotkovichi Tel. (+3751653) 8 91 84
5.  First Belarussian Republican Farming Unitary Enterprise Str. Belorusskaya 24, vill. Liudvinovo Tel. (+3751771) 6 34 21
6.  Kalinkovichi Animal Farm Private Unitary Ent Belkoopsoyuz vill. Novaya Antonovka Tel./fax (+3752345) 9 62 21

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