Information about companies exporting in Republic of Belarus: message board, products and services.
Main menue

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Health resort “Praleska” branch № 6 of OJSC Krasnoselskstroymaterialy
Exported goods/services: Sanatorium treatment, rehabilitation:
diseases of the respiratory, heart,
nervous system. Massage, electrolight
treatment, swimming pool,
balneo-mud treatment, entertainment.
Exports to: Russia, CIS countries, Poland, the Baltic States, EU countries
Communication languages: Russian, English
Address: 58, vill. Podros, Grodno region, 231911
Phone: Tel. (+3751512) 3 77 46
Tel. (+3751512) 7 62 46
UNP: 5000887121
Medical centres and services
Sanatoriums. Vacation homes. Prophylactic centers
Hotel service
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